Opening, saving and deleting files

To open files

You can open files from the phone with Nokia Phone Browser, or by selecting File > Open in the appropriate Nokia PC Suite application.


If you have problems using File > Open, it is recommended that you copy the file to the PC and then open that copy on the PC.

To save files

You can save files to the phone subfolders by selecting File > Save as in the appropriate Nokia PC Suite application.


You cannot use the Save as -dialog to save files to phone subfolders with 3rd party applications. To save files to phone subfolders with 3rd party applications save the file to any PC folder, and transfer them from that folder to the appropriate Nokia Phone Browser phone subfolder by, for example, dragging and dropping.


To delete files

You can delete one or several files from the phone by highlighting the desired files in Nokia Phone Browser and by pressing DELETE. Nokia Phone Browser asks for your confirmation before deleting the files. Note that the files are deleted permanently from your phone.

To find troubleshooting information on Nokia PC Suite, you can browse the FAQ search database on the Nokia web pages. To do this, go to the Nokia PC Suite main window and click Web > Nokia PC Suite on the web > FAQ. Note that this requires an Internet connection.

See also:

Copying files and folders between phone and PC

Working with folders

Opening, saving and deleting files